Serving the communities of Longmeadow and East Longmeadow.
Pet Sitting Rates:
Fifteen Minute Visit:
$16.00 per visit.
For small assignments only, excludes dogs
Thirty Minute Visit:
$20.00 per visit
Care for all domestic pets in a household, including two dogs. Add $3.00 for each additional dog
Dog Walking Rates:
Single Dog Walk:
$20.00 per walk
Weekly Dog Walking Package:
$18.00 per walk
Exercise your dog on a regular and consistent basis!
With our convenient Dog Walking Packages, you can reserve specific days and times on a regular and ongoing basis. Clients that agree to and use our Dog Walking Services consistently for five or more walks each week (Mon-Fri), receive a reduced package rate of $18 per walk, must be scheduled and paid in advance. Add-on, weekend or holiday walks will be charged the regular rate of $20.
Normal Route Hours:
7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
Visits made earlier or later than normal route hours and all major holidays: $10.00 extra per visit
Regular route area consists of Longmeadow and East Longmeadow.
All Our Services Are Insured and Bonded through Business Insurers of The Carolinas.
*Rates/Information Subject To Change Without Notice